Classic car Hobby under attack

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I have to admit that I usually don't get involved in such matters but this is totally wrong. I have a 67 Plymouith Barracuda and it is by no means in the condition that just you make classic cars sound. It has brand new tires, motor, trans, brake lights, headlights, you name it. Our cars would pass any inspection without no trouble. We muscle car enthusiasts have spent a lot of money on our hobby and these cars are in great condition. Now if you are talking about cars that have been pulled out of the woods, throw a battery and some gas, and put it on the road I could understand. But we have basically rebuilt our cars from the ground up. We have spent a lot of time, blood, and sweat on building. You shouldn't comment on things unless you know more about it. You speak of the motorcycle tire blowing a tire and glad no other was around... have you ever seen a semi-truck tire explode on the interstate? I bet you have or have seen the tire debris laying on the side of the road so should we stay "afar" from them? I don't think so you can't drive five miles on the interstate without getting passed or pass one. And they run under strict conditions. The transportation police stay on them pretty hard from my understanding. And what about all the cars running around on the temporary spare over 50 mph? See you type people try to take the fun things out of life. When you wrote that article you have people thinking that we car enthusiasts are horrible people. Why do you do such things? I believe you owe us car enthusiasts another article explaining how off the wall wrong you was and a apology!

Here would be a good place to start

Marland Mullinax