Classic car Hobby under attack

This is what I sent him.....


I just read your story questioning the safety and streetability of Classic Cars, and I have to tell you you don't have much grasp of the hobby.

First, we in the hobby are the original recyclers. Instead of tons of old car parts going in to land fills etc. "WE" salvage these cars and parts. "WE" also pump many hundreds of thousands of hard earned dollars in to our economy. "WE" have created jobs from the need for restoration parts and services. I personally have spent over $2000 in upgrades and improvements in the last two weeks on one of my cars.

"WE" also take care of our cars, because they aren't just cars, they are our loves and investments. "WE" invest thousands of DOLLARS and HOURS in to the restorations of our cars. "WE" also maintain our cars better than cars that are 5-7 years old. If you do some research, you will find the biggest polluters on the road are the cars that are 5-7 years old. Those cars have hit the bottom of their values, and are merely "transportation" to those driving them. They don't spend the time and money to keep them in tip top shape. And THESE are the cars being driven daily.

"OUR" cars, on the other hand, are driven sparingly. They are maintained. Most in the hobby wouldn't be see out in their car if it's dripping fluids, or has bald tires, leaking exhaust, or even squeaky brakes. They are even kept CLEANER than other cars on the road. You never see one with a broken windshield or bulbs that are out.

So before you question the quality, safety, driveability, of these "older" cars look around. Do some research. Go to a couple of shows/cruises. TALK to the owners. Ask how much time and money they've put in their cars. Then for grins, ask a few people driving those 5-7 year old cars how much maintenance THEY'VE done lately. I'm sure your opinion will change.