more truth about Obama

As a reply to the original post, if one will study the trend of the US goverment in the last 50 or so years, then that individual will see that indeed the US has done nothing more than move closer and closer to a communist dictatorship, hence the reference to Hitler. It's almost amazing at how close we have come to becoming exactly what we have always fought against.

As a reply to the rest of the thread, I would say that I support neither of the candidates for the upcoming election, and even as I AM a registered democrat, we, as in this country, should no longer worry about is it Republican or Democrat, but we should worry more on what the best "investment" for our country is. The balance of this nation is so unstable at this time that we can all only hope that whichever one of the two makes office is the right one for the job for possibly the next eight years of our lives. There seriously needs to be some attention given to the way things are run and decided in ths nation, and as we can see, neither of these is up to the PEOPLE any longer, because the government has decided to make what ever decision it chooses, not what the people choose/recommend by voting.

Just my humble opinion, but I am NOT willing to close my mind to listen to what others have to say, if we all close our minds and think that our own ways are the only ways to go, then unfortunately we are all doomed.