more truth about Obama

Yeah well I didn't vote for the guy that owned half the oil in Texas, but he still made it into office. I will agree that we did not need to pull out of Iraq as for the safety of our own country, but when does enough become enough?? The problem with the US and the reason that half or more of the rest of the world hates us is because we try to impose what we are about on everyone. And, in most cases it is not any of our business to get involved. the other problem with the US is that in the grand scheme of things it is a very YOUNG nation to have so much power, and we walk in and try to tell nations that have run successfully for much longer than we have how they need to change the way that they do things.

My biggest question here is when is AMERICA going to start taking care of itself again and quit worrying so much about everyone else??

You know a lot of people so far have down-graded the democrats, but who was the last president to get America out of the RED, so what if he got a blowie in the oval office?? And who was the last president that put America in more of a financial bind than it has ever been?? Either way I'm not replying to argue which is the better party here. I just think that this thread has started to get out of proportion. I don't like Obama!! And I don't like McCain!! I don't think either of them will be a worthy president and I may not go to the polls for either of them at all.