
So I fire it up thinking I'll get a lil **** for you guys and gals, and take it for a spin. But all is still not well in the land of "IT". "IT" fired right up, but had a very long and loud lifter tick in the point I was about ready to pronounce the cam wiped out. But that finally quieted down. Problem is, "IT" is still running poorly, missing, doesn't really want to rev above 3K, and popps in the exhaust.

I don't know if it is the same thing or not, but my car did the same thing ( less the lifter tick) I could hear it missing at idle, I left the car idleing, and pulled the spark plugs one at a time, noteing if the car ran worsewhen pulled, or didn't change. Turned out I had 2 bad spark plugs. They were brand new with only a couple hundred miles on them. but they were bad. I replaced them, and I had power again, and there was no miss, and it stoped the pops in the exhaust.

My guyss is maybe your coil is bad, and doesn't have enought life left in it to provide a current everytime. Whatever the problem is, it definatly is in your ignition. The lifter tick is a different issue.


By the way, looks good