75 Dart Sport Tire fittment

The fronts can be very tricky on A-bodies in my experience. Heck the rears are no picnic either I suppose.

A lot of it depends on how low the suspension sits you your car.

Look at the photos of the Dart Sport above. The front tires work well for him, however with the torsion bars lowered a bit like on my car you couldn't turn at all without those tall front tires rubbing hard on the fenders.
BTW that car Dart Sport above is absolutely gorgeous!

For availability purposes a 15 x 8" rear wheel with a 4.5" backspace is the easy fit.

I prefer a 15 x 8.5" rear wheel with 5-inches of backspace myself, but these are a little more difficult to find (even when buying new). I like the extra width to help keep the tire from being 'sucked in' because of trying to mount to wide of a tire on a skinny wheel. It also fills the entire wheel well better. I have 15 x 8.5-inch wheels with 5-inch backspacing on the rear of my 1974 Dart Sport and my 1974 Duster. Both are stock suspension vehicles (when I bought new springs I just upgraded the packs with a couple extra leafs). I run 255/60R-15 rear tires. Seems to work pretty well so and the tires fit the wheels really slick.

Here is a pair of photos showing a 15 x 7 with 4.00-inches of backspace on the front of my Dart Sport. It is a little to close to my fender for my liking.

Looking from the top of the fender down:

Here are how well a 15 x 8.5 with 5-inches of backspace fit the rear of these cars:

For the record, Yes, I do enjoy showing photos of my cars (& looking at photos of everyone elses). Every thread needs pictures...

I would think that a 275/60R-15 would sneak in there just fine, however I haven't tried it yet so I can't say with 100% confidence.