I found the Original Owner

The 426 Wedge engine that was in the car in the early 70's was out of a 64 Fury.The 426 Wedge was in the car up until 1995.Dwight the original owner of my GTS told me he bought the 426 off of Ron Noe.Well this is a little weird.But I contacted Ron Noe about a year ago.I contacted him following up a lead that he was the original owner of my GTS.He was not the original owner, and did not put 2 and 2 together at the time.I called Ron Noe today.He said he has known Dwight since the 60's but has not seen him in along time.I was hoping Ron may remember where my original 383 went.I was hoping maybe he took the original 383 in trade for the 426.He said he didn't take the 383 in trade and wasn't sure who Dwight sold it to.Ron said he would like to come over next week and look at the old Photos and my GTS.I will see if i can sqeeze out a few names out of him then.
I am hoping to find the original block but I know its very very unlikely.I am also going to send in a copy of my Buildsheet and fender tag to Galen Govier.Galen has put blocks with cars more than a few times.I did find a 68 383 A body block at the Nats this year.It was $150.00 but I had no way to drag it home.
Jim [email protected]