Please read me !

Which is why I didnt say it isnt allowed. I simply asked that you take it to a site that is for the topic. I wouldnt go to a Mopar site for Legal or health advice just like I wouldnt go to a political site and ask about restoring my Mopar. Just because something is allowed doesnt mean its the best place to talk about it.

I can see this thread isnt making a difference to those who are in to politics but at least I can see Im not the only one that doesnt want to hear about it all the time.


And seeing what happens and whether people will actually respect Adams wishes goes a long way towards how others on the site will extend help in the future. Trust me, there are some that will not help others based upon what's happened the last few weeks. Those that carry on as has been in the last few weeks have really alienated some long time members and that ISN'T what this board is about IMHO.

Politics, religion, abortion... three topics to get people all over each other.

Leave them at the door, nuf said.