Please read me !

Relax Franktiregod, this site's got a long ways to go before it degenerates to the point that it's even close to being like Moparts. But like most sites it's up to the members to make sure that the discussions don't slide into the cesspool of life (I like that saying) requiring the administrators to step in.


I can't stand the censorship at MoParts either, and the LAST thing I want to see is this site over-moderated, but consider this:

Over 7,500 members. NO ONE is going to agree on ANY political agenda. Why stir it up?

This is a Mopar enthusiasts message board. Wanna talk about politics? Wanna know how bad a beating my wife & myself are taking with our investments? My 401K is in the shitter too. And not for a small amout either. I also have a house I'm trying to sell that de-valued over $80k this year.... That's right... EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS.

And finally, it's not wise to use the term ASSHOLE when arguing with a moderator. The only reason I sent a warning and didn't give him a 7 day time-out is because the party involved is an active, contributing member. And I like the guy....

Everyone please cool it with politics. Now...