Wow Dude.... your another one that needs a backrub and a glass of Wine. Or is that whine? If you think I'm not concerned just because I'm not venting here, you are sooooo wrong....
How about we all listen to me vent to my fellow gearheads about the economy and how deep I'm taking it in the pooper... THAT'S why people come here! Never mind those "cars" things.... And then we can all TALK about what we're gonna do! Then we'll ALL be TOGETHER in this, like we're not already....:roll:
You guys are gonna get your political forum. And you won't have to worry about us Moderators messing it up. But just remember.... if any of it spills into these forums, we WILL be involved. And if this is too restrictive for you, maybe you can go to Moparts and see how accommodating that crowd will be.
Now excuse me while I click my heels together and goose-step to the kitchen for a glass of milk.... :-D