J.R. Boy,s party!

Well sheeee-it, looks like Boys' Night Out went great!!!! LMFAO
Where have I been indeed??? Can't believe I missed this party. Memike, ya did real good.

Damn dude! I dig Bad Co.! "Seagull" is what I always play once I get 'em home, lol. Tell the gal at the corner table that I think she's beautiful and I think she needs to take a ride on my "Bad Motor Scooter" by "Montrose".

Uh oh, I'm bumping her hip saying "Hey darling, how 'bout some "Great White Buffalo" by Ted Nugent, I'll buy!

Wait a minute, tell her I think she has beautiful eyes and the eyes are the window to the soul. Hehehe! That line works all the time. I gotta be looking straight in her eyes when I tell her though......

Speaking of which, where the heck has cudachick been?

What the hell does that have to do with me?!?!?! LOL!!!!! Ramcharger, you're a silver tongued devil buzzed or otherwise, I know that much. Sherry wouldn't stand a chance with you at the bar.