Little $250 69 Valiant

Well I for a while there I hadnt been doing anything of real value on the Valiant. However with the beautiful weather we have had for a few weeks has had me out in the garage til the wee hours of the night. I flopped back and forth durring the "build" of my guage pod as to whether I liked it or not and came very close to scrapping it laast week. I figured I had so much into it already I may aswell finish it and if I didnt like it Id toss it. Still not 100% sold.
Other than that, several months ago I had drawn some circles on my bumper and tossed the idea around of mounting some "driving" lights in the bumper. Very similar to a Road Runner. Well after looking at the circles on the bumper for months I commited! I cut 2 good size holes in the bumper! Man am I glad I like it! Once I get the chin spoiler on it should tie it all together really nice.
So here it goes guys tell me whatcha' think.
And a few pics of the insulation install and the dash pretty well completed.
Man the insullation makes this thing soooo much nicer to ride in.

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