To Stroke, or not to Stroke

i'm kinda going in the same direction. i'm shelving the 360 that I have, becouse i recently scored a (an apparently hard
to find) P4876793AC Siamese block. probably go the 4.18 bore x 4.00 stroke for a 440cid SmallBlock. I came to the
realization that the ported to bejesus iron heads ARE the limiting factor, bigger cams, more cubes, will not gain me a damn thing.
Not sure YET.. but I will either use a set of W2's or W5's (or mabey even the Indy 360's). but geez.. can T&D charge
any more $$$ for there W5 rocker setup? LOL. still will have a streetable package if I can help it. Its gonna be funner times next year.