
The guys from Yes and Rush were my favorites.........

That's the stuff we used to play in Central NY.......Progressive theatrical for the most part......had a good time and made a few bucks.....

I played my SG mostly, but had a 12 string Gibson 335 for the Genesis set, and played a Strat for a few songs........Single pick-up Melody Maker for Skynard and such when we did Southern.

Right now I play a Dean Icon w/DiMarzio's..........Nice sound, and a Boss effects chorus, delay, Fender 65 Reverb, and compression.

What I really want is a decent Fender Deluxe Reverb or Vibrolux Reverb (even an old Princeton reverb) to restore..........If you guys have any deals out there, give me a shout.

Sounds like we have the same background. Yes, Rush, pre-1980s Genesis, some Kansas, etc.