
Play ? Or bang around some harsh heavy metal riffs ? lol I have had a guitar since 1990 and have never had any formal training. I just learned a few of the key power chords and a fuzz box and bang out some stuff. I have a 1990 Peavey Tracer II that has been a fun little unit. I run it through a little Peavey Envoy practice amp. When I love to have fun I go over to my Bro's house and play his vintae Guild which is a smoking hot unit. Love that.

I am in my late 30's and am starting to pick up the guitar and play it again. I am actually taking some tabs and stuff and learning what I have been playing lol.

fun stuff.

There are numerous guitar player out there. Satrianni is awesome in my book. My cousin will very soon have his album out. His name is Nick Kellogg. He can put Satrianni to the test. Nick also makes a cool set of multi-rod drum sticks and sells them off his web site. I have some free samples that I can ship to drummers who might be interested. I can give you his site for you to check and then if you use multi rods let me know and I will send ya a set.

send me a p.m.


rock on.