I think I'm out

I read the locked thread and I have to agree with you 68 Sedan. I saw nothing you did wrong, but i did see an unjust attack by the mod. Heck I'm ready to be baned myself after what happened while I was away from home. My wife signed in using my username to ask a question about the exhaust kit she wanted to buy and have installed on my car as a surprise when I returned. She also used a pm to give some parts to a member that had listed a wanted ad. She was questioned for doing this and I've been bothered by it since then. No one should reprimand another then do the same thing themselves in the next paragraph. It's their playground so are we supposed to take crap and not say anything frankftiregod?
John didn't a member get mad by not being the center of attention any longer, pick up his toys and run off this site screaming foul a couple of years ago, then came back and became moderator? A childish auto technician on the third rebuild of his 360 six barrel if I remember correctly (although it is a beautiful Cuda by the way). I've wanted to say that for a long time so call me names and call my posts stupid again. And yes I'd say it to your face, we need to meet sometime and have a drink or two.
Ok I'm finished, ban me John