In memory of Joe Hall

I'd like to thank everyone for the kind words and your thoughts and prayers. I think you guys are right, the Mopar Joes of the world rub off on you. I try to be fair and honest in all my endeavors as I can't hide behind a story or a lie, I'd rather stand behind the truth. I really enjoy this website for all of the good people here who share selflessly, enjoy each others cars, jokes and anything else anybody wants to talk about. I enjoy spending time here reading page after page of encouragement, praise and and the mutual satisfaction that everyone enjoys about this hobby. How do you explain Mopar to people who know nothing about them. To me, it's more than just a car or an old car hobby, it's a family of people who enjoy what has brought us all together and enjoy sharing it. You are all Mopar Joes in my eyes, and I thank you for sharing your time and knowledge, and a little bit of your lives with us all. Geof