What ever happened?

how about the sign of the times today. remember when 2 door cars ruled? 4 doors were family cars, you know ma and pa. station wagons were for the big family and grownups. get caught driving one around and you never heard the end of it. "take your mamas car home". now everything is a 4 door almost, and 2 doors are out of the norm. wagons are gone for the most part, but i feel they will return. i personally like them and would drive one today. mini vans are dying a slow death now as well. when chrome bumpers and trim left so did the real styling of all of the cars. now companies try to incorperate fake chrome pastic pieces to make the cars more appealing....a sign of the times

Things are changing they allways do I supose. It is geting hard to buy a two door any more. I too remember when it was not cool to show up in momys four door. LOL The mini van trend did not last to long. Every one wants an SUV now a days.

One other thing I miss is the old Ramcharger's with the roof you could take off. My frind had one. It was so cool to pop the roof of and go for a ride in a convertible truck.