Opinions on chroming

I'm throwing around the idea of investing in a chroming system as a home business. I would be able to refinish Instrument clusters, chrome plate plastics and most metals. Its not a cheap venture but I think there is a demand for it with all the restorations going on. I know there are a few places doing this but with some of the prices being charged I think there is room for competition. I’d like to hear some opinions. Have some of you had a hard time finding someone to do this or can’t justify the quotes you have been given for refinishing the parts? What are your thoughts?

Thanks in advance
Here in Sweden it´s impossible to find anyone who´ll do the plating, ask me
I´ve been looking.
I was tossing with the same idea over here in Sweden until I got the price of the equipment to use, the price for it would cost me $150K.
(vacuum plating)

Sorry,I don´t mean to discourage you with my post.
I´m sure of that there is a demand for plastic chrome plating.