Opinions on chroming

we are setting up a cad plating room here on the island , but the start -up for chrome and the overhead are just too much I'm told but we have several platers here in the victoria area and I had thought of doing the same , as what you seem to be describing ie. a small personal set-up and if your serious I would suggest you check the classifieds from some of the eastern cities where cars are built I've heard of bankrupt third party producers being liquidated for pennies on the dollar including one where a 5 axis flow table and the polishing set-up went for 35k {I was told it was worth 10times that or more } theres a lot of deals out there and you might just find a bankrupt plater in oakville ont or some place like that where you can walk in to an auction and buy everything you could possibly want or need for next to nothing eh!