Opinions on chroming

My family owns a plating buisness here in mass. The epa are very strict when it comes to all of the chemicals and the acids. Even having a certain place just to store your chemical waste, and paying to have it picked up and dispoased properly.The other part of chroming is the prep work. Sanding, filling pits, buffing all goes along with it and that can sometimes take longer than the plating process its self(very very time consuming). If you do this i would suggest seeing every part you do before someone sends it to you so you know what your getting in to. (example)People come in all the time with stuff that looks like its been under water for 30 years and want it to come out perfect for under $200. It just doesnt happen like that, theres a lot of work to it. just some info for you, but good luck and hope everything works out for you.