Merger is Off!

It would be sad to see any of em go BUT let's get real. How much did the CEO's of these old companies get for perks, bonuses, and who knows what else. That should be one of the stipulations for the consideration with tax payers money. These goons were hired to take the companies in a profitable direction. Did they do that? Obviously not. They not only got paid for doing a sorry job but they also got some unimaginable perks at the cost of shareholders like you and i. So you go to work tomorrow and the machine you built last month killed two people due to your ignorance in assembly and the boss calls you in and reaches in the bottom drawer and pulls out a fifth of fine scotch and you and he suck down a few and slap each other on the back with a few laughs and as you expected he gives you a bonus just because you and he have the same goals in mind. YOU'RE POCKET. I'd say sure. We'll bail you out,BUT you have got to make things right. All the big boys that got bonuses WILL give back the bonus money and there will be NO more of the same bullshit taking place or the bailout is over. The tax payers have hired the people in Washington to do just this kind of regulation and NOT take a payoff. Some will say "Well what about the CEO that spent it on the island he bought in some far away place? The money is gone". Ever hear of an auction. Sell every possession he owns and give it to the tax payer fund. So what if one prick that don't give a damn about you and i goes down. Better him than thousands of tax payer. Did anyone get the foggyest idea that i'm a little bit irritated ? Any thoughts?