Merger is Off!

Every thing that has been said above I totaly agrea with. If you owned your own buisness and it was failing would you take a 1-3 million dollar bonus........uh no. If you did what do you think all the share holders of your company would say about that? Though I guess that if it was an auto maker then it would be ok.

No there is a whole bunch of things that have led up to this, the economy is just one of those things. Look at the selection of vehicals out there today, I mean other than the big 3 there is Toyota, Nissan, Kia, Honda, VW, Mercadies, BMW, Subaru, Mazda, Volvo, Hyunda and I'm sure that there is a lot more. Now all of these companys are trying to get you to buy from them and make money, the piece of the pie is getting smaller and smaller. The fat cats that are running these companys have to look at what they are doing wrong and make the changes, that inclueds at the top as well. do you really need to have a president a vp a vise vp and a vise vise vp............ect. start at the top and work your way down. I can see that they may have to cut back production but talk to the workers that are doing the work for you. Work with them to maybe take pay cuts but also take the pay cuts at the top as well or first. If the whole copany works together from top to bottom they will survive, is it better to not make as much money and work than to be out of work?

I think that GM has backed out but what about Renault/Nissan?