Merger is Off!

I remeber the Chrysler deal of 79 very well. At the time i had $20000 lying around and was looking for a place to turn a profit so i went to my local Shearson Leamon Brothers office and spoke with a young dumbshit about the stock price at the time. It was $12.875 and he suggested i waited till it went down to $10. I was the dumbshit that took his advice. 6 weeks later it was in the 50's. After that i opened up my own trading position with another company and bought Bethleham Steel and did very well. Some of those brokers don't know their *** from a hole in the ground. One of the most interesting positions i've been in is that i was asked by the Feds to testify against crooked brokers. The feds flew me around the states to court appearances. That was fun. GM is cheap and the gov aint letting them go down so there may be an opportunity. There are risks.