Lacuqer paint

Greg, I really dont know a whole lot about lacquer. I know it was the paint of choice mainly because it dried so quick it allowed the painter to do lots of coats quickly. That made it great for custom graphics, flames ect. Its also easy to spray and thin out. I believe the problem is its not the most durable, its dries out (lacquer checking) and to keep it shiny it needs to be buffed out often.

I wouldnt say I wuld pass on a car because it was painted in lacquer or done out side but I think after doing paint for for a little while you start to want to know whats under the shiny stuff. Luvkily when I bought the Dart I got a stack of photos with it or I would be stripping it to bare metal again.

Bu=y the way, I actually sprayed some lacquer at the shop yesterday so its still available in CT. But I was painted a set of chairs and not a car, LOL