Bye Bye Big Three?

There is no such thing as a "Foreign car" that term is old and gone. Sorry, but it went away long ago.

It's hard to call Toyota an import when they are built here. You can't say that about Dodge or Ford.

Maybe it's about the location of there world headquarters?

Not sure.

True. I guess a more apt term would be foreign-owned company. Toyota etc. all have plants here that provide jobs for thousands. It just sucks that it's not American owned companies. They've beat us at our own game.

You are correct about trimming the fat. It's time for the old business practices to die. I have faith that the industry will not go away completely but it needs to change now.

My hope is that this current crisis will spur the Big Three into action to start designing cars that people can get excited about again. Not just performance either but on all fronts - economy, luxury etc.