Bye Bye Big Three?

As a employee of a american car dealer that has been in buisness for 53 years I must say times are not fun. Not only are the big 3 taking huge losses but the dealers that have supported them and sold their product good, crap, or otherwise are hurting, taking month to month losses that would close up most any other buisness. The sad part is we are not talking about loss of jobs at the corp. level. If one, two, or three of the big three hit rock bottom your talking about an amount of job losses that the economy could not handle. 1 in 10 jobs in the US stem from the US automakers, dealers, vendors, parts makers, suppliers of materials used to make the parts, etc....
The fact is that I don't want to see a bailout but I don't see where there is any other opitions. Can the goverment support 1 million new unemployed workers? Are there 1 million job to be had by those workers? It is a loose, loose no matter how you look at it.