Bye Bye Big Three?

The Japaneese car companys don't have to pay for health care for their employees. They have universal coverage through the government. They also manipulate their currencey to keep the yen low in value aganist our dollar. I'm sure they get other perks from their goverenment that we don't hear about that helps them compete. I've heard that if they didn't get all those benefits and had to compete like the US car companys. they would have to raise their prices about 20%. Ever wonder why that when our dollar went way down in value aganist the yen this summer that Japaneese car companys didn't raise their prices. Government subsidies. If US car companys got what they get, they wouldn't be in trouble.
Someone mentioned the different work ethic between the two countries and it's probabiy is true. They are a hard working people but they also realize that they have to pay high taxes to subsidize their export driven economy so their industries can compete.