Finally getting an early A-Body

What the heck is that yellow coily thing hanging out of the car? Please tell me thats an old stretched out slinky you found under 1 of the seats and not the air hose you are using! :-D Just messing with ya. Its looking great, man you are moving fast. Nice progress, keep the new pics coming!!!

Looks like Vic could use one of those hanging air hose reels for Christmas there Badawg, and while you're talking to Santa, tell him ol' cosgig could use one too!!! LOL!!! Hey Vic, you must be retired or something to be moving that fast on the 66. Either that or you hired some elves to work through the night. Either way, it's looking good and just tell Badawg that the small diameter of the hose keeps the pressure higher, or something. Anyway, it's not the size that matters, but how you use it, or so I'm told,(HAH!!!) That line was made up by someone with a small hose for sure. Keep up the good work!!! Geof