To Stroke, or not to Stroke
I`ve used the term "stroke length" to try describing the term for the distance from the top of the piston to the center of the crank journal. That`s probably the wrong term but frankly I don`t know what to call it.? As Dcuda69 described though that distance ,made up of several parts, can be attained in a wide combination of ways. Rod length, wrist pin position, journal size, piston height, and even bearing thickness will all affect the final length. The gist of it is that you`re essentially taking a RB crank and installing it in a B block. In order to do that you`ll have to search the kits available and find what pistons, crank, etc. you can find to work with the 440 rods you have. While it`ll surely be more expensive to buy an entire rotating assembly it may save you the headache of trying to find and match parts to work with the parts you already have.