what happened to Swingers in 1973?

Mr. Charlie said
-it has the "new" 5 mph bumpers in front. In back too?

-was a 340 made in the Swinger model in 73 or was it just available in a Demon?

My experience was with the Challengers, I was looking in '73, wound up buying a '74 model.

I think the bumpers for all models (all mfgs for that matter) were that the 5 MPH requirement kicked in for the front in '73, then was extended to the rear in '74.

In the E-bodies, the 340 was the HP option in '73, but they went to the 360 in '74. I think I've seen '74 Darts with the 360, I'd have to defer to someone with more A-body experience for the '73 options.

HTH, Jay