Captainkirk's Duster project

Planning, you see, is a lot of fun. Moreso than actually WORKING on a project, truth be known! When planning, everything always goes right, nothing ever breaks, and objects painted with the mind's eye always match and always turn out perfect.
It's with this "perfect eye" I'm planning next spring's events.
Having removed all but a small section of the rust and having applied the rust converter, the first thing next spring will be to apply a "real" primer coat over the rust converter, then to purchase and install the subframe connectors I found on the Mancini Racing website. Now, it's been years since I've done any welding, and I don't have a welder, anyway. So this is a topic I'll have to tackle over the winter; where to get a welder, what kind to get (wire feed, etc) and the actual practicing I'll have to do before I cut loose arcing and sparking underneath The Duke. Methinks he'd be juuuust a tad pissed off with me if I made a mistake, however small. And you don't wanna piss off The Duke. And then there's the suspension-both front AND rear to contend with. Rusty parts that need to be scrubbed squeaky-clean and gussied up with bright, shiny paint. New front end bushings. Tires. Cleaning up the Rallye wheels and perhaps re-spraying them.....and this is just to get it back down on the ground again! Notice I haven't even approached the subject of my motor that sits in a million pieces!
Yes, I have planning to do....and it could even be fun!!!!:-D