Fender extension question
What doesn't line up, the quarters or the fender extensions? I'm assuming it's the fender extensions. Any chance of replacing the studs? I don't know how they are on the rear. I had one missing on a front fender extension that I replaced with a cut down bolt and JB Weld.
If that car has taken a shot to the rear with a PO, there's no telling what won't line up. I'm having a similar problem with a rear door on my 73. The 73 had been wrecked and sloppily repaired. It has been one step forward, two steps back at times. Both the trunk and the door have some alignment flexibility designed in. If the hinge bolts can be accessed, you may need to close someone in the trunk with a wrench while you level the panel from the outside. Once leveled and wedged in place, have them tighten things up and see if that works.