Internally Regulated Alternator Kit...???

I recieved the alternator yesterday and it looks like a nice unit. Alot smaller than the chrysler original. I should be getting the bracket the first of next week...

Thanks for the help...
I'll see if I can post some pictures with it installed on the engine.

Bear in mind i haven't looked at the wire harness in months but I have a question about a few wires...

As far as the exising wires going to external voltage regulator, my thought was to removed the voltage regulator, tape up and label the wires and leave them in the harness
would I be just as well to remove them completely? I don't see this car returning to an external setup...

I guess its kinda of a dumb question, I haven't traced out the wires in the harness yet to even see where they go...I guess I was wondering what others have done.