Stupid Distributor Questions
Well, I drilled out the lead, then reset the float levels, then the float drop levels. I adjusted the 2 screws for the highest vacuum reading, and the idle is much smoother now. I took the car for a ride, and it still has a stumble or miss? maybe, and it pop's through the carburator. I took the distributor out, and replaced the advance springs to give me 38º total advance. The initial falls about 20º. I disconnected and plugged the vacuum advance can, and left it that way. I took the car for a ride, and it still has the same stumble/miss and still pop's through the carb. It will run good if you floor it, but for normal driving it runs like ****. There's still a high RPM ping, but much better than before. It will bog when I floor it, but once it catches up it goes well....until high RPM where the ping starts.
I removed the AVS carb, and installed an Edelbrock Comp series carb I bought from a member here. Before I installed it, I removed the electric choke, and used the choke pull-off and choke spring from the AVS. Took the car for a ride, same deal; pops through the carb, has a stumble/miss and runs like ****.
So far, I have tried 2 dist caps, 2 distributors, 2 coils, 2 sets of plugs, 2 carbs, all kinds of timing adjustments, and it still doesn't run right. Only thing left is to replace the plug wires. They're brand new units from Frederick's Dodge I bought off eBay. Orange wires, with black boots. I now know my wires should be black with orange boots, but the eBay ad told me these were the correct wires.
Do you think the wires could be bad? Would a bad wire or wires cause these conditions? Anybody wanna buy the whole car before I set it on fire??
I am OUT of ideas.
Thanks for all the help so far guys, appreciated a great deal!
Sorry to be such a pain in the *** about this but I don't know who else to ask! LOL