Today's Surprise

Jason96R said
I don't how you guys with wives do it. Basically every extra cent I have goes toward my car, and I have money I put in a special car fund every paycheck as part of my budget. I guess I'm smart in trying to get everything I can possibly get done with the car before I get married, which should be awhile I don't even have a girlfriend.

HINT, from the been there done that and got sick and tired of chicks wineing about ME and MY CAR!

Basicly, it all started when I had enuff of girlfreinds that complained about my hobby. Lets face it, I'm a guy through and through. I have gears for brains. I fix stuff with and without gears. It's a guy thing and most (99%) of the girls I used to date just didn't get it. It's OK, I understand, you (Girls) complain the guys don't get women. I say the same about you girls not getting it about guys. Soooo, I came up with a list of what the new girlfreind will have or be out on her butt.

#1. Understands guys love cars, ALOT!
#2, Understands that if I can't be found next to them, check list of what guy loves to do! (See #1)
#3. Not be afraid of grease, oil, dirt on there guy or them!
#4, Has more brains that to call me @ 3:00 am saying the car doesn't start and I have no idea why. Better have a clue or me and my pillow are going to get back to the convo we where having. (Nothing like getting there to find theres no gas in the car. Dumb girl!)
#5, have SOME money and leave mine alone.
#6 Also understand that a pair of heads for my car is more important than you, your Mom or your understanding why I need them. If I have to explain this, your not going to get it.

Theres more, but thats not printable. In the end, not only did I get what I wanted, but it's been with me since 1987. 4 months ago, (Geeeezzzz, been that long allready!) She help me swing in my big block and bleed my brakes.
We have built engines together and look foward to doing it again.
Now if I can train my 3 year old to get me the correct wrench, we'll be in biz.

Settle not, shes out there. Also, no, you DO NOT WANT HER SISTER! Bad, very bad.

Car fund? Great idea. Like a Christmas club savings. You'll never miss it if it never makes it to your hands to spend elsewhere on those other things like , food, rent, etc...