The Purpose Of 1.6 Rockers

I have roller lifters with my 1.6 roller rockers, haven't ground anything to dust yet except the band in my tranny. I changed it and was rewarded with a nice leak at the converter. Honestly though, I've only ever killed one cam with 1.6 rockers and it lived for 17 years in three different engines. Buy a good cam and put whatever rockers you think you want on it. Experiment a little. There alot of them out there so I'd say there's probably something to it. There's alot to be said for split duration cams and splitting rocker ratios, unfortunately I'm not smart enough to say anything about it. I do know that longer rocker ratios can produce significant gains, but the cam they are being used on definitely matters. Try them both and decide for yourself, then let us know. The almighty dragstrip will not lie to you...