Any step by step instructions on converting auto-4spd?

Alright, my 67' valiant was a 6 auto on the colum, it is now a 4 spd.

When the $80 fiber glass hump showed up I simply placed it over the hump where it fit snug enough to center it's self then traced around it with a marker then removed the hump
[don't remove the torsion anchor what ever you do]
and traced a line about 1 1/4 inside the first line , thats the line I cut so that I would still have a flange to mount to.

After the z bar bracket was welded on [center to the factory hole just above the frame] It all pretty much was bolt on and the only thing I had to do was extend the fork rod about an 1 1/2 at the hole as o leave plenty of thread to adjust the clutch.
Then pedals bolted in of corse and don't forget to dial indicate the bell to crank center.