need some help with insurance stuff

Don't take this as Gospel (as it has been quite a few years since I was a licensed insurance broker) and things probably have changed quite a bit.

You mentioned that you have gotten a quote from State Farm. As far as I know, they are still known as a direct writer; they only insure through their own captive agents and their own market. With that, you are limited to just their price. What I would shop for, is a "broker" ,(one that represents not just one, but a whole host of insurance companies.). As you have done, represent to this broker as honestly as can be, what you have done to your car. A motor vehicle inspection that confirms the legality and safety of your vehicle would be an asset. In order to get a valuation endorsement (it used to be an S.E.F.#41 I believe) you will no doubt have to have it appraised by an accredited apprasial company.
As for your being a risk that an insurance company would like to take on is another story. You are right when you suspect a less than open-arm attitude to young male drivers. Statistics bear out the larger risk. That said, perhaps you have already done all that you can by having taken an approved Driver Training Course (I also taught that for a while) and have a clear motor vehicle abstact; with no traffic violations such as speeding or reckless driving or any Criminal Code Convictions.
Lastly, I would point out that an insurance company's monies come by way of insurance premiums and investment income. Those two minus monies set aside for claims and operating expenses is the profit. As you are no doubt aware, the stock market is in BIG trouble. That leaves premiums as the main source of revenue (as investment income is dismal to say the least). Now companies must pick and choose their risk even more carefully and unfortunately, that may mean you (and a whole bunch more people).
My best advice is to get advice from a professional broker. He or she (when you explain your situation) will endeavour to give you the best options for your money. Even ask if a larger than usual deductible on the physical damage (collision, fire and theft for instance) would be a viable option to decrease your premium.
Sorry to be so long winded.