need some help with insurance stuff

I know they are a ways away from you but when I returned to Canada in 1999 after 14 years in the US no one would give me a break on my continuing coverage till I talked to a broker named Allrisks { go figure } in Windsor they got me 4 years worth of safe driving credit which is a big deal in ontario { no defaults }and means you don't get reamed as a new driver new policy { defaults are worse than no history} I ended up insuring a 73 spitfire for just plpd and comp no collision for a couple of hundred bucks a year and after the first year converted it to a storage policy for 90 bucks a year and still kept it as a continuing policy to earn more safe driving credit while using my other car as a second car which is cheaper in your province { bc reams you full price for all your cars as if you could drive them all at once -talk about fraud} cause you can maintain extra coverage, ie comp collision etc on your second policy even after you switch your primary policy to storage you just can't switch till after the first year , I would see if they have an office in your area and what they can do for you if nothing then I would ask them what is the cheapest car for a person in your situation to insure { probably an old beater of some sort } get one, carry basic plpd on it wait a month so the anniversary dates are different then insure your other car as a second but cover it to the hilt , wait a year and convert the beater to storage with the different anniversary dates as long as you keep up the payments they probably wont catch on for as couple of years then you will have built some safe driver time and discount and won't be 19 this of course is just what I would do as a last resort only and in no way suggesting you deceive them after all if the law says you have to have insurance the law also says the insurers have to provide it and this did work for me but may not be possible any more