69 Dart

Who built your hood and what size scoop is that?

Its a metal 2 inch scoop. If I remember correctly I got it thru Sherman. The guy that did the paint did the hood also. Used the scoop as a template and cut out the hood about 1/2 inch smaller then slid the scoop under the hood skin before welding. Left all but the center part of the hood structure in place for strength. Only problem I have found is that, because of the way I have to mount the throttle body to clear the injector rails it puts everything up high. A 14" air cleaner hits the rear of the inside hood frame. So, went with a 10" unit and found that it also JUST hits the edge of the cutout in the hood. I'm going to cut a piece of 16 gage metal today and make an offset aircleaner housing to move it to the front about 1 inch or so to clear.