Its amazing what you find when not looking!

Had a note left at the shop today when i returned from lunch,it said,,,,, 69 dart gt hardtop,bucket seats,console,auto trans,273 v8,70,000 miles,extra parts,books,extra factory tinted glass,original upholstery,original owners,needs body repair, car in michigan.Then there was a name and number,wich of course im keeping to myself at this point.So i call the number,and a nice sounding middle age guy answers the phone,and says,hey Toby,i here your the a body man from nc,are you interested in my moms 69 dart gt,cheap!?So what do ya say to someone whos 1000s? of miles from you,who knows your name,youve never met,and willing to almost give you a complete,all original car,that they bought new for there mom in 69?I was/am very surprised to say the least.It is blue,i know that much,been painted about 8 years ago,needs very little exterior paint work,but does have a few frame rail issues that need attention,and the torsion bar cross member that needs repair.Both pieces he has new from mopar,in the trunk,had em for years.The vinyl top needs replacing now,it finally split in a few spots he said,no rust under or around it.the master cylinder went out last year,along with the points,and the water pump(man you michigan guys have it rough)But he has them brand new in the boxes on the back seat.Ill have pics of it emailed to me this week,but my question is,what do i offer him for the car?He wants to sale it to me cheap,as long as i promise to retore,restify,just use it he said.I want to be fair with him,i threw a 600.00 price out there,and he didnt seem to mind that price.I dont want to rip him off.Its prob gonna cost me twice that to get it here?His exact words were"Id rather give it to someone who would use moms car,than to crush it"LOL,glad he feels that way