Durability of Redline Dash Panel

Not what you want to hear...but you could reinforce it, I'd imagine. But I agree...it is very light weight...I got one two but decided I rather restor my original...

Good luck.


Thanks a lot, I was planning on using some sort of reinforcement...if I didn't get the answers to reassure me.

Johnny Dart...I didn't ask them because whenever you ask any company anything, their product is the best. I asked here because I know some people on here have used them in the past. If its a problem, I'll remember not to post in the future.

71blueduster...launches at the track repeatedly can have a tendency to make the little crappy nuts on the back of autometer gauges come loose, or at the very least, pull on the plastic with the weight of the gauges. Launching hard causes more pull on very thin plastic. That is how it has an impact.

As for pictures...I'll get some when I start mocking it up to mount the gauges.