Gas prices again

In about 1969 I was working at a gas station .Gas was about 32 cents a gallon. If you consider how much everything else has gone up, the price of gas is really low.Why do most people think gas should be inexpensive ? Do you know what's involved with getting a bbl. of oil out of the ground ? It's very expensive.From 1972 to 1995 I worked in the Oil well service industry,operating a service unit,pump truck,vac. truck,doing whatever I had to do to support my family .That is some of the most dangerous,nastiest,work there is.And the pay was lousy.These days the pay is better,but still not anywhere near what the auto workers make. Any new car cost about 7 to 10 times what it cost in 1969,and everything else does too.So the next time you fill up, think about some poor well service hand ,making 10.00 to 12.00 per hr. working in 110 degree summers and below freezing winters.