Will my 8-3/4 hold up behind a 4 speed?

Exactly what im talking about...why are you bringing up that other thread again when i asked you before to just lay it to rest...the chevy advice was for reasons that i already explained to you...i was aware that Dana made rears for more than mopars, but i was talkin about the 60's in the mopar context...i dont get advice from chevy guys and i do have a sense of humour, just not one towards people who get off making jokes that are kind of critical....If i didnt have faith in mopar, like you question yourself about, why the hell would i be building one then? If i didnt like them better than chevys, why would i be building one? These basic questions should answer your doubts....i appreciate the advice you give, because thats what i seek- when you throw in unnessacary comments judging me, my character, or what you think my character is, then i dont really find it humourous and could care less about the info you give....if you ever are going to give me informative replies (which are the ones i look for and appreciate) then please just refrain from dropping lines that you consider funny- they piss ME off...its too bad your sense of humour seems to be only pokes and insults at stupidity


This is what I mean.
For someone ASKING you sure are picky about how it's given.
BTW I'm glad to piss you off, it's good for you.