Will my 8-3/4 hold up behind a 4 speed?

This is what I mean.
For someone ASKING you sure are picky about how it's given.
BTW I'm glad to piss you off, it's good for you.

this is the last thing im going to write to you about this...On a forum, common courtesy is to RESPECT other members....when someone asks for advice, thats all they deserve- smart *** comments from people like you who cant get their arrogant head out of their *** arent nescessary...you remind me of young teenagers who love to talk **** on the internet in mom and dad's basement in their underwear (do you still live with your parents? lol)...I appreciate all the advice you have given so far in everything ive ever asked- not gonna lie you know what you are talkin about, and thats why i ask, so that knowledgable guys on the site like you can help out guys who need to learn some stuff, like me....Im not picky about how stuff is given, i just want the help and insight and thats it...not your personal bullshit criticism that you seem so good at throwing around in all your posts...some people put up with while others like me dont :thebirdm:...I have respect towards other people, which is something you obviously dont...you dont piss me off that much really, your more like an annoying typical internet **** talker who probably has no friends and is all smartass behind a screen:toothy10: