Will my 8-3/4 hold up behind a 4 speed?

If your stroking a 340 and putting it in to an a-body set up correctly,you'll be doing a LOT better then mid 12's...

i sure hope so myself...im just being real conservative with numbers because even in the mid 12's im wondering how well my rear will hold

hi, the 8 3/4 will live very well for what you have. there are things to consider with this rear end. the clutch pressure and disc will have a say on the life of gears. as long as you can spin the tires, should be no problems.
how ever, slicks and dead hooking will shorten gear life. as will lifting on the shifting. otherwise, it's strong enough. btw, get a 7290 or dana spider makes
a 1350 yoke for 8 3/4 rear end. I have a 1350 in rear and 7290 in front, both have held up very well.

Thanks for the info... I was planning on ugrading to the bigger yokes, just got the name wrong...also, if i set up the 4 speed with a dual frictiong clutch, use the heavy duty yokes in the drivetrain, and run a good 12 inch drag radial how long before i can expect to have to upgrade to a better rear? (what et?) or do i not need to at all
