Stupid Distributor Questions

I replaced every piece of the ignition 2 times. Tried bigger jets, thinner step rods, timing all the way from 5º to 18º, set float level and drop, stiffer springs for the step rods, and the car still has the same problem.
I give up. If there is anyone local to CT that can spend some time here, I will pay you for your trouble including fuel costs & tolls if needed.
The freakin car has a misfire at light load. Full throttle blasts it will run like a champ, but it won't run smoothly in any other throttle position. It feels like there is one or more dead cylinders when it is doing it. Thats the best way I can describe it to ya's. Start from a dead stop, going up a slight hill, or accelerating from 25 to 35 MPH it will stumble/miss. Put your foot to the floor and it will leave 200' of rubber. I just melted about 1/8" of rubber off the tires in front of my house, and the car runs great! Get to a stop sign and drive off normally, it will run like crap.
Please PM me if you can come here and look at it. Like I said, I will pay for all expenses and your time.


It COULD be a Cam has wiped Lobes...Could also be Burnt Valves/Seats.The best way to test this is:

Take Valve covers Off.
Unplug Coil Tower Wire at Dist(So Car Can't RUN)
Have someone turn car over and see if ALL 16 Rockers are moving the same distance.
Then you can Also Take each of the plugs out(One at a time is fine)and take a Compression Tester to see how much PSI each cylinder has.This should not vary more than a few pounds(ie 112 on #1 Cylinder 110 on #3 etc).I Think Advanced Auto Parts will rent the tester for a little of nothing if you don't have one or know of anybody that does.
I just had one of my buddies that thought his distributor was bad after doing a tune-up and bought a new Billet Distributor.It did not change his situation.They took the valve covers off and found out that when they turned it over several valves were not moving as much as the others.This was on a motor home and it was heating up pulling his enclosed trailer.By itself it ran like a raped ape...We changed the cam/lifters and it gets a couple MPG better and a Hell Of Alot of power now...

PM me your Number.I have a guy in NYC that may be able to run up and help..