Back to Normal.....sort of

Haven't been checking in since I got back from Hawaii cause things have been a little hectic. The week I got back I had to start school, then the following week my whole family came into town for Thanksgiving. On top of that a couple of friends needed help with things they were doing, but now things seem to have settled down. I did manage to get my first "6 week" course done in 10 days in between everything else I was doing.

I was really glad that when I got to Hawaii my Duster was still there just as I left her. I was worried I'd find a pile of rust where I left her, or worst yet nothing at all.

My family had a great time here in Vegas, and it was the first time in years that we were all together in the same place. The day before my mom left, she bought me a new computer and 24" monitor. Now I guess I don't have an excuse for not checking because of my computer.

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgivings!