small block engine mounting

Locomotion,thanks for your experience with the mounting plate.Pulley alignment was one reason for using plate from the ears on the engine block.I had thought about the fore-n-aft movement because it will be a 4-spd car.I had not thought about the dropping issue.I would hope that not be the case with a scattershield and possibly aluminum speeder.But never say never.Maybe a cable under the back of the engine,frame rail-to-frame rail would take care of that.And in a stock application I would use the factory mounts.
daredevil,that would be a good combo for an automatic and street driven 4-speed,IMO.I just did not want to take any chances with parts coming undone and the engine shifting around.Makes gear changes difficult.
Any other ideas?Especially on the fore-n-aft engine movement?Strut type rods to the frame from the front of the engine?Bob